Wednesday 29 May 2019


Well…where to start. Let’s have a look at the stats:

Number of states: 6

·         Oklahoma
·         Texas
·         Kansas
·         Colorado
·         Nebraska
·         Wyoming

Number of miles: 5,465 – new record, but over 11 days

Total number of miles over all trips 28,306

Number of severe days. This is where things get utterly ridiculous: This trip had eleven (11) severe days in eleven days including a bonus day at the start of the tour:

·         High – 1
·         Moderate – 4
·         Enhanced – 4
·         Slight – 2

Number of days successful chasing days witnessing severe weather – nine, only 2 repositioning days

Final thoughts: This is an interesting one where in storm chasing bigger is not always better; those big severe days tend to be a bit of an anticlimax, why? Well...many things...lots of moisture gives low visibility, storms mess up each others fuel supplies, giant anvils act as the worlds largest fire blankets suppressing convection in otherwise great places and chaser convergences clog the roads (hint: go for a lesser target). Photography can become frustrating in the poor light and washing machine conditions, certainly my number of "keepers@ was disappointingly low. There's a lot to be said for those 2% slight days with the odd discrete supercell and little else to distract.

We did see some cool stuff, three tornadoes, giant hail and damage, lightning, floods, met some old friends, ate some good food and saw those interesting places off the beaten track that you'd never otherwise see. And some good craic along the way.

Fallow year for me in 2020, we'll see after that.

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